
Authenticate a user using Widget API.

Authenticate a user

To authenticate a user using the Widget API, you can use the authenticate function. More details on the signature of this function and how it can be used, can be found on the documentation below.

This function is used to check if the user is authenticated, and if it is not, it asks for authentication.

Check if user is authenticated

To check if a user is authenticated you can use checkAuthenticated function of the Widget API. More details on how this function can be called, and use-cases can be found in the documentation below.

This function call will check if the user is authenticated and redirect the user to options.redirectUri (if present).

Get user account

This function is used when you want to get the wallets of a user for a specific chain. More details on how the function can be called and what the function returns can be found on the documentation below.

This function will return the wallets of a user for a specific chain and if needed authenticate the user and create a wallet.

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