Retrieve non-fungible tokens

How to retrieve non-fungible tokens for a wallet.

To fetch the non-fungible tokens for a certain wallet, you need to call the function getNonfungibles , to get all non-fungibles in all the wallets that a user has connected to your application use getAllNonfungibles.

By wallet ID


venlyConnect.api.getNonfungibles(walletId: string);


const venlyConnect = new VenlyConnect('YOUR_CLIENT_ID'); 
venlyConnect.api.getNonfungibles("c8ec9954-fa1a-4682-9cf8-ef5c1015d1d1").then((items) => {
 console.log("Your items: ", items);


    id: "2",
    tokenId: "2",
    description: "Spells of Genesis card",
    imagePreviewUrl: "",
    imageThumbnailUrl: "",
    imageUrl: "",
    name: "Reckless Footsoldier",
    url: "",
    animationUrl: null,
    attributes: [
        displayType: null,
        maxValue: null,
        traitCount: null,
        traitType: "Name",
        value: "Reckless Footsoldier"
        displayType: null,
        maxValue: null,
        traitCount: null,
        traitType: "Rarity",
        value: "Not Assigned"
        displayType: null,
        maxValue: null,
        traitCount: null,
        traitType: "Attack",
        value: "4"
        displayType: null,
        maxValue: null,
        traitCount: null,
        traitType: "Health",
        value: "8"
        displayType: null,
        maxValue: null,
        traitCount: null,
        traitType: "Speed",
        value: "3"
    backgroundColor: null,
    contract: {
      address: "0x030bf504a4abeb05b91196536565c7acee9d9f02",
      description: null,
      imageUrl: null,
      media: null,
      name: "Spells of Genesis Askian Card",
      symbol: "SOG",
      type: "ERC_721",
      url: null

By wallet Address


venlyConnect.api.getNonfungiblesByAddress(secretType: SecretType, walletAddress: string);


const venlyConnect = new VenlyConnect('YOUR_CLIENT_ID'); 
venlyConnect.api.getNonfungiblesByAddress("MATIC","0x10BCdb57aEbE5b195B750CCd4F506783aF0B52Cf").then((items) => {
 console.log("Your items: ", items);


Call that returns all non-fungibles for the user for all wallets that are connected to your application. Optional filter to filter based on secret type.


venlyConnect.api.getAllNonfungibles(secretTypes?: SecretType[]);


const venlyConnect = new VenlyConnect('YOUR_CLIENT_ID'); 
venlyConnect.api.getAllNonfungibles().then((items) => {
 console.log("Your items: ", items);


  items: [{
  animationUrl: null,
  attributes: [{
  displayType: null,
  maxValue: null,
  traitCount: null,
  traitType: "Name",
  value: "Reckless Footsoldier"
}, {
  displayType: null,
  maxValue: null,
  traitCount: null,
  traitType: "Rarity",
  value: "Not Assigned"
}, {
  displayType: null,
  maxValue: null,
  traitCount: null,
  traitType: "Attack",
  value: "4"
}, {
  displayType: null,
  maxValue: null,
  traitCount: null,
  traitType: "Health",
  value: "8"
}, {
  displayType: null,
  maxValue: null,
  traitCount: null,
  traitType: "Speed",
  value: "3"
  backgroundColor: null,
  contract: {
    address: "0x030bf504a4abeb05b91196536565c7acee9d9f02",
    description: null,
    imageUrl: null,
    media: null,
    name: "Spells of Genesis Askian Card",
    symbol: "SOG",
    type: "ERC_721",
    url: null
  description: "Spells of Genesis card",
  id: "2",
  imagePreviewUrl: "",
  imageThumbnailUrl: "",
  imageUrl: "",
  name: "Reckless Footsoldier",
  tokenId: "2",
  url: ""
}, {
  animationUrl: null,
  attributes: [],
  backgroundColor: null,
  contract: {
    address: "0x038d63df99a46b82796b2ea5d9cabc50340fd69f",
    description: null,
    imageUrl: null,
    media: null,
    name: "PUNK ARK GALLERY",
    symbol: "PARKG",
    type: "ERC_721",
    url: null
  description: "test",
  id: "150865",
  imagePreviewUrl: "",
  imageThumbnailUrl: "",
  imageUrl: "",
  name: "test gif big file",
  tokenId: "150865",
  url: null
  secretType: "ETHEREUM",
  walletAddress: "0x0288E3dDBe9e4f2B0536665f55464187601b41c4",
  walletId: "eeb52670-4fb7-4e79-830d-4f5f613f315b",
  walletType: "THREEWAY_SHARED"

Function Reference

The function reference describes the different functions that are available in the Widget. For each function, you can find the signature, it's parameters, and possible options documented.


Last updated