Update offer: Signature

Endpoint to pass the signature of the end-user to the market

The last step in the offer creation is getting the signature of the end-user, proving to the market that the end-user agrees with selling the NFT and allow the market to take the NFT into custody.

This is done by asking the end-user to sign a piece of data. The data that is required to sign can be found in the details of the offer, more specifically the dataToSign attribute. To get the details of an offer please take a look at Retrieve an offer.

pageRetrieve an offer

Update offer: Signature

PATCH https://api.venly.market/offers/:offerId/signature

Path Parameters




ID of the offer that needs the update

Request Body




Signature of the signed data of the dataToSign attribute.

    "success": true,
    "result": {
        "id": "b91c6f5f-5ebd-4941-99c1-94e9d1cbd9d5",
        "nft": {
            "tokenId": "2",
            "address": "0x492aef91afb79efaa508debbed7b3e21069d13e3",
            "chain": "ETHEREUM",
            "name": "Cauliflower Pizza",
            "description": "Awesome cauliflower crust pizza with cured pepperoni. Found on a BBS in the early 80s.",
            "imageUrl": "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/0Dw7pMcyX_m7T_6q3zzrvjmYMg-Matgg8c42DTGvviRDI8M7fa3Ot9siVfhzE0gqolLshVp2O6T3QdccmVblMurg7A",
            "url": "",
            "imagePreviewUrl": "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/0Dw7pMcyX_m7T_6q3zzrvjmYMg-Matgg8c42DTGvviRDI8M7fa3Ot9siVfhzE0gqolLshVp2O6T3QdccmVblMurg7A=s250",
            "imageThumbnailUrl": "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/0Dw7pMcyX_m7T_6q3zzrvjmYMg-Matgg8c42DTGvviRDI8M7fa3Ot9siVfhzE0gqolLshVp2O6T3QdccmVblMurg7A=s128",
            "attributes": [
                    "traitType": "topping",
                    "value": "cheese",
                    "traitCount": 4
                    "traitType": "crust",
                    "value": "cauliflower",
                    "traitCount": 2
                    "traitType": "topping",
                    "value": "pepperoni",
                    "traitCount": 2
                    "traitType": "level",
                    "value": "7",
                    "traitCount": 1
                    "traitType": "fuel",
                    "value": "3.4",
                    "traitCount": 1
                    "traitType": "cauliflower_power",
                    "value": "80",
                    "displayType": "boost_number",
                    "traitCount": 1
                    "traitType": "bellyfat_increase",
                    "value": "3",
                    "displayType": "boost_percentage",
                    "traitCount": 1
            "contract": {
                "chain": "ETHEREUM",
                "address": "0x492aef91afb79efaa508debbed7b3e21069d13e3",
                "count": 0,
                "name": "CryptoPizza Shop",
                "description": "In honor of the dude who paid 10k BTC for two large pizzas in 2010, I'm proud to announce the first ever CryptoPizza Shop! Collect these slices - more to be added soon, but these OG CryptoPizza Slices will go down in history!",
                "symbol": "OSC",
                "imageUrl": "https://rinkeby-storage.opensea.io/0x492aef91afb79efaa508debbed7b3e21069d13e3-1561429292.png"
        "sellerId": "7cbc2bd3-b3d7-4d8e-bda8-173e56189f75",
        "sellerAddress": "0xdb7c22EA49EF93F753F2ed4c9E1A2589aC6E7690",
        "startDate": "2020-10-21T14:46:09.252659Z",
        "endDate": "2020-10-31T14:46:09.252674Z",
        "type": "SALE",
        "status": "INITIATING_OFFER",
        "dataToSign": "b91c6f5f-5ebd-4941-99c1-94e9d1cbd9d5_0xdb7c22EA49EF93F753F2ed4c9E1A2589aC6E7690_0xb06b3f1e824BD7eFC0BCe584cF6B772dC0Ff7C75_2",
        "createdOn": "2020-10-21T14:46:09.305261Z",
        "createdBy": "7cbc2bd3-b3d7-4d8e-bda8-173e56189f75",
        "price": 25

After updating the offer with the signature the status of the offer will transition from NEW to INITIATING_OFFER, meaning the NFT will be taken into custody. If that was successful the status will be updated to READY. Meaning the offer was successfully created and is live on the market. To learn more about the different states of an offer please read: Status

Note this step assumes you've already completed Update offer: TxApprove.

Quick Tip

If you want to verify your signature before submitting it, a great tool is verifySig. Just enter the wallet address, the data to sign and the signed hash and the tool will validate for you if your signed hash is correct.




Request Body

    "signature": "0x1893702698b9daa97313817e2b58dbaeabb9de1cfa3fede14ec00e9dbbd899835dd184fa6f63a2eb67beea34b8ad698fbb7bd887bcc1c88539df43963779fde51b"


    "success": true,
    "result": {
        "id": "b91c6f5f-5ebd-4941-99c1-94e9d1cbd9d5",
        "nft": {
            "tokenId": "2",
            "address": "0x492aef91afb79efaa508debbed7b3e21069d13e3",
            "chain": "ETHEREUM",
            "name": "Cauliflower Pizza",
            "description": "Awesome cauliflower crust pizza with cured pepperoni. Found on a BBS in the early 80s.",
            "imageUrl": "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/0Dw7pMcyX_m7T_6q3zzrvjmYMg-Matgg8c42DTGvviRDI8M7fa3Ot9siVfhzE0gqolLshVp2O6T3QdccmVblMurg7A",
            "url": "",
            "imagePreviewUrl": "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/0Dw7pMcyX_m7T_6q3zzrvjmYMg-Matgg8c42DTGvviRDI8M7fa3Ot9siVfhzE0gqolLshVp2O6T3QdccmVblMurg7A=s250",
            "imageThumbnailUrl": "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/0Dw7pMcyX_m7T_6q3zzrvjmYMg-Matgg8c42DTGvviRDI8M7fa3Ot9siVfhzE0gqolLshVp2O6T3QdccmVblMurg7A=s128",
            "attributes": [
                    "traitType": "topping",
                    "value": "cheese",
                    "traitCount": 4
                    "traitType": "crust",
                    "value": "cauliflower",
                    "traitCount": 2
                    "traitType": "topping",
                    "value": "pepperoni",
                    "traitCount": 2
                    "traitType": "level",
                    "value": "7",
                    "traitCount": 1
                    "traitType": "fuel",
                    "value": "3.4",
                    "traitCount": 1
                    "traitType": "cauliflower_power",
                    "value": "80",
                    "displayType": "boost_number",
                    "traitCount": 1
                    "traitType": "bellyfat_increase",
                    "value": "3",
                    "displayType": "boost_percentage",
                    "traitCount": 1
            "contract": {
                "chain": "ETHEREUM",
                "address": "0x492aef91afb79efaa508debbed7b3e21069d13e3",
                "count": 0,
                "name": "CryptoPizza Shop",
                "description": "In honor of the dude who paid 10k BTC for two large pizzas in 2010, I'm proud to announce the first ever CryptoPizza Shop! Collect these slices - more to be added soon, but these OG CryptoPizza Slices will go down in history!",
                "symbol": "OSC",
                "imageUrl": "https://rinkeby-storage.opensea.io/0x492aef91afb79efaa508debbed7b3e21069d13e3-1561429292.png"
        "sellerId": "7cbc2bd3-b3d7-4d8e-bda8-173e56189f75",
        "sellerAddress": "0xdb7c22EA49EF93F753F2ed4c9E1A2589aC6E7690",
        "startDate": "2020-10-21T14:46:09.252659Z",
        "endDate": "2020-10-31T14:46:09.252674Z",
        "type": "SALE",
        "status": "INITIATING_OFFER",
        "dataToSign": "b91c6f5f-5ebd-4941-99c1-94e9d1cbd9d5_0xdb7c22EA49EF93F753F2ed4c9E1A2589aC6E7690_0xb06b3f1e824BD7eFC0BCe584cF6B772dC0Ff7C75_2",
        "createdOn": "2020-10-21T14:46:09.305261Z",
        "createdBy": "7cbc2bd3-b3d7-4d8e-bda8-173e56189f75",
        "price": 25

Last updated