Create an offer

Endpoint to initiate a new offer

Get offers


Request Body

	"success": true,
	"result": {
		"id": "b91c6f5f-5ebd-4941-99c1-94e9d1cbd9d5",
		"nft": {
			"tokenId": "2",
			"address": "0x492aef91afb79efaa508debbed7b3e21069d13e3",
			"chain": "ETHEREUM",
			"name": "Cauliflower Pizza",
			"description": "Awesome cauliflower crust pizza with cured pepperoni. Found on a BBS in the early 80s.",
			"imageUrl": "",
			"url": "",
			"imagePreviewUrl": "",
			"imageThumbnailUrl": "",
			"attributes": [{
					"traitType": "topping",
					"value": "cheese",
					"traitCount": 4
					"traitType": "crust",
					"value": "cauliflower",
					"traitCount": 2
					"traitType": "topping",
					"value": "pepperoni",
					"traitCount": 2
					"traitType": "level",
					"value": "7",
					"traitCount": 1
					"traitType": "fuel",
					"value": "3.4",
					"traitCount": 1
					"traitType": "cauliflower_power",
					"value": "80",
					"displayType": "boost_number",
					"traitCount": 1
					"traitType": "bellyfat_increase",
					"value": "3",
					"displayType": "boost_percentage",
					"traitCount": 1
			"contract": {
				"chain": "ETHEREUM",
				"address": "0x492aef91afb79efaa508debbed7b3e21069d13e3",
				"count": 0,
				"name": "CryptoPizza Shop",
				"description": "In honor of the dude who paid 10k BTC for two large pizzas in 2010, I'm proud to announce the first ever CryptoPizza Shop! Collect these slices - more to be added soon, but these OG CryptoPizza Slices will go down in history!",
				"symbol": "OSC",
				"imageUrl": ""
		"sellerId": "7cbc2bd3-b3d7-4d8e-bda8-173e56189f75",
		"sellerAddress": "0xdb7c22EA49EF93F753F2ed4c9E1A2589aC6E7690",
		"startDate": "2020-10-21T14:46:09.252659Z",
		"endDate": "2020-10-31T14:46:09.252674Z",
		"type": "SALE",
		"status": "NEW",
		"dataToSign": "b91c6f5f-5ebd-4941-99c1-94e9d1cbd9d5_0xdb7c22EA49EF93F753F2ed4c9E1A2589aC6E7690_0xb06b3f1e824BD7eFC0BCe584cF6B772dC0Ff7C75_2",
		"createdOn": "2020-10-21T14:46:09.305261Z",
		"createdBy": "7cbc2bd3-b3d7-4d8e-bda8-173e56189f75",
		"price": 25

This endpoint will create a new offer with the status NEW. Once a new offer is created it needs to be updated first with Update offer: TxApprove, follow by Update offer: Signature before it can move to the state READY and become live on the market.

See How to put an item for sale? for the entire flow in creating an Offer.

Note: The order is important. First the TxApprove, then the Signature.

An Offer can have a visibility . This will be PUBLIC by default. Read more.

You can also create an offer for your sub-user. You specify the sub-user by passing the sellerId parameter in the request.



Request Body - Creating an Offer from yourself

    "type": "SALE",
    "nft": {
        "tokenId": "2",
        "address": "0x492aef91afb79efaa508debbed7b3e21069d13e3",
        "chain": "ETHEREUM"
    "sellerAddress": "0xdb7c22EA49EF93F753F2ed4c9E1A2589aC6E7690",
    "price": 25

Request Body - Creating an Offer for a sub-user

Add sellerId in the request (link to the UUID of the created sub-user).

    "type": "SALE",
    "nft": {
        "tokenId": "2",
        "address": "0x492aef91afb79efaa508debbed7b3e21069d13e3",
        "chain": "ETHEREUM"
    "sellerAddress": "0xdb7c22EA49EF93F753F2ed4c9E1A2589aC6E7690",
    "price": 25,
    "sellerId": "fa2d1aa7-3243-45c5-b61e-ac4c33fec596"


	"success": true,
	"result": {
		"id": "b91c6f5f-5ebd-4941-99c1-94e9d1cbd9d5",
		"nft": {
			"tokenId": "2",
			"address": "0x492aef91afb79efaa508debbed7b3e21069d13e3",
			"chain": "ETHEREUM",
			"name": "Cauliflower Pizza",
			"description": "Awesome cauliflower crust pizza with cured pepperoni. Found on a BBS in the early 80s.",
			"imageUrl": "",
			"url": "",
			"imagePreviewUrl": "",
			"imageThumbnailUrl": "",
			"attributes": [{
					"traitType": "topping",
					"value": "cheese",
					"traitCount": 4
					"traitType": "crust",
					"value": "cauliflower",
					"traitCount": 2
					"traitType": "topping",
					"value": "pepperoni",
					"traitCount": 2
					"traitType": "level",
					"value": "7",
					"traitCount": 1
					"traitType": "fuel",
					"value": "3.4",
					"traitCount": 1
					"traitType": "cauliflower_power",
					"value": "80",
					"displayType": "boost_number",
					"traitCount": 1
					"traitType": "bellyfat_increase",
					"value": "3",
					"displayType": "boost_percentage",
					"traitCount": 1
			"contract": {
				"chain": "ETHEREUM",
				"address": "0x492aef91afb79efaa508debbed7b3e21069d13e3",
				"count": 0,
				"name": "CryptoPizza Shop",
				"description": "In honor of the dude who paid 10k BTC for two large pizzas in 2010, I'm proud to announce the first ever CryptoPizza Shop! Collect these slices - more to be added soon, but these OG CryptoPizza Slices will go down in history!",
				"symbol": "OSC",
				"imageUrl": ""
		"sellerId": "7cbc2bd3-b3d7-4d8e-bda8-173e56189f75",
		"sellerAddress": "0xdb7c22EA49EF93F753F2ed4c9E1A2589aC6E7690",
		"startDate": "2020-10-21T14:46:09.252659Z",
		"type": "SALE",
		"status": "NEW",
		"dataToSign": "b91c6f5f-5ebd-4941-99c1-94e9d1cbd9d5_0xdb7c22EA49EF93F753F2ed4c9E1A2589aC6E7690_0xb06b3f1e824BD7eFC0BCe584cF6B772dC0Ff7C75_2",
		"createdOn": "2020-10-21T14:46:09.305261Z",
		"createdBy": "7cbc2bd3-b3d7-4d8e-bda8-173e56189f75",
		"price": 25

Last updated