How to use Venly App on Zapier

This guide describes the new Venly App integrated on Zapier and how you can create contracts and mint NFTs with zaps!


Venly is proud to introduce it's latest integration with Zapier!

With the new Venly app added to Zapier, you can create NFT collections and mint NFTs directly to your user's wallets.

No coding or programming is required. You can create and distribute NFTs with an easy point and click solution using the Venly integration on Zapier.

Venly app is currently in beta mode and will be approved by end of November 2023. You can still use its features to create collections and mint NFTs on the blockchain of your choice!

Onboarding with Zapier

You need to complete the pre-requisites before you can start using Zapier to mint NFTs.

  1. The first one is getting client credentials from Venly,

  2. Next is signing up or logging in to Zapier

  3. Lastly, creating/setting up your first NFT collection.

1. Client Credentials

To get started, it is necessary to create an account on our Business Portal to gain access to Venly's suite of products including the required NFT-API product.

The Business Portal automates your onboarding process, allowing you to register your details and generate the Client ID and Client Secret which is required to use Zapier.

Follow the steps below:

  1. Head over to the Business Portal

  2. Log in with your Google account or email

  3. Accept the terms and conditions

  4. Enter details about you and your business

  5. Start a free trial for the NFT-API (sandbox environment)

  6. Save your Client ID and Client Secret

You need your NFT-APIs Client ID and Client Secret to connect the Venly app with Zapier.

2. Sign Up on Zapier

3. Create your first NFT Collection

The next step is to create your first collection that will contain all your minted NFTs.

Head over to your Zapier dashboard:

  • In the first box, select any app (it does not matter which app)

  • In the second box, search and select "Venly"

  • Next select any trigger of your choice in the first box.

  • In the second box, select Create Contract, and click Try it.

You will be taken to a new screen where you can configure and create your first NFT collection.

Click on the "Create Contract in Venly", and then click in Sign In.

A new pop-up screen will appear.

Enter your previously saved Client ID and Client Secret. You can get them again by logging in to the Portal and clicking on the NFT-API product.

Finally select one of the following environment and click on Yes, Continue to Venly.

  • Sandbox: Use this if you're using a trial subscription of the NFT-API and want to run tests on testnet blockchains.

  • Production: Use this if you're using a paid subscription of the NFT-API and want to run calls on real mainnet blockchains.

If connected successfully, your Client ID and environment(sandbox in this case) will be displayed as shown below. Click on Continue to proceed.

Fill in the required fields to create your first NFT collection.

  1. Name: This is the name of your NFT collection.

  2. Description: This is the description of your NFT collection.

  3. Blockchain: This is the blockchain on which your NFT collection will be created. You can choose the following blockchains: Ethereum, Arbitrum, Avalanche, BNB Chain, Hedera, ImmutableX, and Polygon (Matic).

  4. Image URL: This is the URL of the image that will will be displayed for your collection.

  5. External URL: You can add an external URL to your NFT collection. This can be anything such as a link to your website.

  6. After filling in all the fields, click on Continue.

Next, click on Test step.

If successful, you'll receive a message containing information about your newly created contract (collection). Locate the id and save it. This is your contract id and will be used later when minting NFTs.

You can repeat this process to create more collections anytime. If you plan on creating NFTs under a single collection then save the id and continue with the guide.

Create and Mint NFTs with Zaps

Once you have created your NFT collection, the next step is minting NFTs directly to your end-user's wallets.

Go to App & event and select Create and Mint NFT. Click Continue to proceed.

Your Venly account should already be connected with Zapier, click on Continue to proceed.

Next you need to fill out the required fields to create and mint an NFT. For this example we are adding the details manually but you can use another app like Google Sheets to fetch data and autofill the fields. They are described below:

  1. Contract ID: This is your previously created contract ID that represents the collection you want to create the NFT in.

  2. Fungible: This flag indicates whether your created NFT is fungible(true) or non-fungible(false). Fungible means there can be unlimited NFTs of the same type with no difference between them. Non-fungible means there can be multiple NFTs of same type but all of them will be different from one another (each minted NFT will have a unique id).

  3. Name: The name of the NFT.

  4. Description: Description of the NFT.

  5. Image URL: URL of the image that will represent your created NFT.

  6. External URL: You can add an external URL to your NFT. This can be anything such as a link to your website.

  7. Mint Address: This is the wallet address of your end-user where the NFT will be minted/transferred.

  8. Mint Amount: This represents how many NFTs you want to mint to your end-user's wallet.

  9. After filling all the fields, click on Continue and then Test step.

The Test icon will be green indicating that the NFT was successfully created and minted in the provided Mint Address(wallet address).

Once you have setup the trigger and tested the Create and Mint NFT event, you can click on Publish to activate your zap.

Last updated